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Rejuvenating Matcha Lemonade for the Summer

Rejuvenating Matcha Lemonade for the Summer


A matcha lemonade is a refreshing caffeinated beverage perfect for the upcoming hot season. It is a slightly sweeter version of the classic cup of matcha tea. The perfect switch you need to cool yourself down, an ideal afternoon pick-me-up! 


02 Tipson Matcha Honey and Lemon tea bags

Half a lemon

Sugar syrup or honey

Sparkling water

A handful of ice cubes


Start by making a matcha concentrate with the tea bags and ⅓  cup of warm water pop it in the refrigerator for a few minutes so it cools down

To the brewed tea add the sparkling water and give it a good stir

For the sugar syrup, all you need to do is combine two tablespoons of sugar with two tablespoons of water. You can also add a splash of honey instead of sugar syrup and that will work wonders too

Add the lemon juice to the sugar syrup, and stir well to combine all the ingredients

To your serving glass add in a handful of ice cubes and pour in the brewed tea mix and top it off with the lemon sugar syrup, a quick stir will combine everything thoroughly



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